Rec of tuerca ind. ciega c/val.
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta c/va
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta c/va
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta c/va
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta c/va
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta c/va
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta cort
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta cort
Rec of t. ind. ciega con. c/gu
Rec of t. ind. ciega con. c/gu
Rec of t. ind. ciega plana c/gu
Rec of t. ind. ciega plana c/gu
Rec of tuerca ind. red. p/orificio
Rec of tuerca ind. red. p/orificio
Rec of llave ind. hallen
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta plana
Rec of tuerca ind. ciega corta
Rec of tuerca ind. ciega esferico
Rec of tuerca ind. ciega c/valona
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta corta
Rec of tuerca ind. ciega plana
Rec of tuerca ind. abierta corta
Rec of tuerca ind. ciega c/valona
Rec of tuerca ind. ciega plana